
Code google p namebench
Code google p namebench

code google p namebench

*Test may take up to 20 mins or more so be patient while the tool's in testing.

code google p namebench

Im not sure youre complaining about your slowness (follow then advice about using Google Public DNS or Open DNS or Dyn Internet Guide, they should help) or your site being slow for everyone else (then read below). 3/.4sec, which is way below 2 second lag youre experiencing. Leave the default values.Ħ.After test finishes you'll be greeted by the following screen telling you which DNS server configutarion is the best/optimal/fastest and recommended for you and by what percentage. Webpagetest shows first byte arriving in. if you use Ubuntu or Debian just run the following. All what you need to have to start using namebench is Python and Tk library, e.g.

code google p namebench

#Code google p namebench software#

You gotta try this.post feedback here after using.Ģ.Download your choice of version from the left pane.Ĥ.Open the tool and you'll get this screen:ĥ.Start the test by clicking 'start benchmark'. This is cross platform tool written in Python that makes it possible to easily select the fastest DNS available in your area as well as to run benchmark tests directed to DNS entries. Google Code launched with a mission to: 'Support the open source community by providing a scalable, reliable, and fast collaborative development environment for open source software, docs, and standards that promotes best practices in open source software engineering. Want to find the fastest DNS server for your particular connection instead of trying a bunch of em like openDNS and Google n ultraDNS etc?.well you're in luck cuz thanks to Namebench - A DNS benchmarking tool by google (part of google 20% projects) you'll get exactly that.A detailed report customised for you to find the fastest DNS and also know how faster it's compare to your current DNS, including a list of servers you can use alternatively.

Code google p namebench